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Invitation to express interest: recruitment consultancy services

Posted by: Chikondi Pinto
Category: Uncategorized


Procurement Reference No.:  MEC 2021/2022/EOI/001                                  12th July, 2021


Invitation to Express Interest for Provision of Consultancy Services in the Recruitment of Chief Elections Officer, Director of Electoral Services and Director of Administration and Human Resources


  1. The Malawi Electoral Commission intends to procure consultancy services for Recruitment of the Chief Elections Officer, Director of Electoral Services and Director of Administration and Human Resources.


  1. The Malawi Electoral Commission now invites suitably qualified Consultants to submit sealed expressions of interest to participate in the procurement of Consultancy Services for Recruitment of the Chief Elections Officer, Director of Electoral Services and Director of Administration and Human Resource.


  1. Brief Description of the Consultancy Services Required.
  2. Preparing an advert inviting suitable candidates to apply for the posts,
  3. Devising an objective and suitable tool for shotlisting candidates for the posts,
  4. Formulating mode of assessment for determining the suitably qualified candidates from the shortlisted candidates,
  5. Orienting the commission on the devised methods and processes to enable them to fully participate in the recruitment processes,
  6. Facilitating assessment of the shortlisted candidates; and
  7. Setting parameters within which the final candidates for the posts should be identified
  8. Submitting a Comprehensive Report on the Recruitment Process with recommendations to the Commission.


  1. The Consultancy Services shall be undertaken and concluded within a period not exceeding 3 months.


  1. Shortlisting Criteria: Interested Consultants must submit the following documents with their Expressions of Interests,
  2. Company Profiles showing the Firm’s core business and number of years in the business
  3. Technical and Managerial Capability of the firm (ie Organizational Structure, general qualifications and number of key staff)
  4. Demonstrated experience in provision of similar consultancy Services
  5. Company Registration and Tax Clearance Certificate


  1. Expressions of interest will be evaluated in accordance with the Public Procurement Legal Framework. Participation is open to all eligible bidders.


  1. Expressions of interest properly labelled on the outer envelope with the subject of procurement and reference number must be delivered to the address below and deposited in the tender box located at the Reception of MEC offices at or before 14:00 Hours Local Time on 26th July, 2021. Late submissions shall be rejected.



            The IPDC Chairperson,

            Malawi Electoral Commission

            Off Chileka Road, Opposite Mwaiwathu Hospital

            Private Bag 113









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