The Malawi Electoral Commission is informing stakeholders and the public that it will from 13th February 2023 to 9th March 2023 conduct public meetings on re-alignment and establishment of voter registration and constituency tally centres.
This exercise follows the confirmation of the Report on Review of Constituency and Ward Boundaries by the National Assembly on 18th November 2022 and the passing of the Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government Elections Bill, 2022 that provides for the creation of Constituency Tally Centres during the same sitting of Parliament.
The stakeholder meetings will be held at constituency level in all constituencies and participants will have the opportunity to present and discuss proposed voter registration centres in respect of each constituency. Through the same process the Commission will also establish Constituency Tally Centres which shall be used for tallying results for each constituency.
The Commission has sent invitations through the councils to political parties, chiefs, and civil society organizations. Concerned citizens and all other electoral stakeholders are also at liberty to attend and present their proposals. Stakeholders who are unable to attend the meetings are free to submit their proposals through their respective council offices before the date of the meeting in their constituency. The constituency meetings are the only platform that the Commission has set up to get proposals and discuss with stakeholders regarding establishment and realignment of the centres. All proposals submitted outside this arrangement will not be considered.
Stakeholders are advised that the Registration Centres will also serve as places where the Commission will establish polling stations. As such in accordance with section 67 of the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections Act and section 51 of the Local Government Elections Act, the places to be proposed should not include military units, police stations, residential buildings, building occupied by political parties, premises where alcoholic drinks are ordinarily sold or consumed, places of worship or dedicated to worship, hospitals or health facilities, Therefore, proposals should be restricted to public buildings which are generally being used as schools, community or social halls, administrative offices or any place located within government or local authority establishments.
Stakeholders are advised to crosscheck and confirm the dates and venues in the attached schedule with respective District Commissioners and or District Elections Officers, just in case, there are changes arising from unforeseen events.
Signed this 7th day of February 2023 at Blantyre.